About Me

MEChA's mission is to educate and in form students about educational, political and social consciousness, as well as providing guidance and resources that will benefit individuals in their path to success. MEChA de SMC Spring 2011 goals: Our goal is to inform students of this campus about AB540 students and to create a long-term scholarship program. We also want to outreach to high schools to guide them in the right direction for a better and higher education. Lastly, we are advocating for the creation of a M.E.Ch.A library system among the members !See you at the meetings!

Friday, November 4, 2011

M.E.Ch.A de SMC - 2011-2012 Fall Semester



1. Power Point on M.E.Ch.A's history and objectives
2. Committees: internal, external, and membership
3. Activities Suggestions
  • Retreat: decide on the date and time next meeting
  • Bowling Fundraiser: decide on the date and time. Waiting for Bowling's manager to contact us.
4. Virginia Park Dia De Los Muertos 6-8pm

Drop a comment or email for suggestions, concerncs, assistane and much more.
We appreciate your feedback.
See you Thursday at 11:15am!

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