About Me

MEChA's mission is to educate and in form students about educational, political and social consciousness, as well as providing guidance and resources that will benefit individuals in their path to success. MEChA de SMC Spring 2011 goals: Our goal is to inform students of this campus about AB540 students and to create a long-term scholarship program. We also want to outreach to high schools to guide them in the right direction for a better and higher education. Lastly, we are advocating for the creation of a M.E.Ch.A library system among the members !See you at the meetings!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

M.E.Ch.A de SMC

August 24, 2011

Cabinet Meeting- Unidad

  1. Club experiences and conflict - Lack of communication and support
  2. Solution- form Unidad 
    • attend and support other clubs social events (fundraisers, social awareness..)
    • provide each other with academic and social support- study groups, attend external events....
    • camaraderie - organizing retreats, camping, potluck....
  3. Brainstormed Unidad's Constitution
    •  2 representatives from each club will attend the meeting
      • they are responsible to have their club's agenda ready to discuss
      • the representatives will announce what was discussed to the rest of their members
    • 2 Modulators and Secretary
      • One will be in charge of the Master Calendar 
        • the Master Calendar will contain all the clubs upcoming events and each club will be provided with a copy
      • The second modulator will be in charge of attendance 
      • The Secretary will be in charge of taking notes of what was discussed and make sure the meeting goes according to plan.
          ~ We decided to have elections on who will take on the positions on September 6th, or 8th.~
      •  How Long the Meeting will Run?
        • Depends on the meeting, what counts is getting the job done.
        • We thought of having the meetings every other Thursday, but we will decide on the next meeting.

    First order of business that can be accomplished

    1. Master Class Sheet - Fall 2011 class schedule and professor and class recommendations.
      •  A sheet will be made and each club will have all their members write down their schedules
        • the purpose is to match the members who have the same class and form study groups.
        • those who already took the class can offer assistance.
        •  once registration day arrives, the class recommendation sheet can be distributed and it will make it a smooth process for our members to see which professor or class to take.                      

      First of all, we appreciate all of you for taking the time to make the Unidad committee happen. We had a great time meeting each other and putting our heads together on this project. 

      We will have our next meeting the second week of school, either on the 6th or the 8th. We will continue with
      the constitution and elect our Modulators and secretary. And much more will be discussed

      Meanwhile, we introduce you to Doodle.com.
      This helpful website allows us to know which dates most of us can attend based on the popular vote.
      Click the link below to vote whether we should meet on the 6th (Tuesday) or the 8th (Thursday).

        If your club is hosting and event or have something to share, feel free to contact us or drop your a comment
        below to have it uploaded on our page.

        If you guys have suggestions, comments, concerns, feel free to contact us or drop a comment.

        Thanks, and see you on our next meeting!!!


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