About Me

MEChA's mission is to educate and in form students about educational, political and social consciousness, as well as providing guidance and resources that will benefit individuals in their path to success. MEChA de SMC Spring 2011 goals: Our goal is to inform students of this campus about AB540 students and to create a long-term scholarship program. We also want to outreach to high schools to guide them in the right direction for a better and higher education. Lastly, we are advocating for the creation of a M.E.Ch.A library system among the members !See you at the meetings!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

M.E.Ch.A de SMC

March 8, 2011

Sacramento Protest

Dear fellow SMC Students!

You signed up for the bus trip to Sacramento, and today we know: It's going to happen!
Now we need you to sign up. Let me first give you an update on the big picture:

The status quo is very, very grim: Unit fees probably rising to $36/Unit, worst case scenario $66/Unit - dictated by the State Legislature. SMC Winter session possibly being cut completely (up in the air as of now), Summer Session probably reduced by 33%. SMC will get anywhere between $5 Million and $15 Million less funding, resulting in less class  offerings and general cuts on support services like EOPS and Disabled Student Services.
It is your chance to act and make your voices heard - if you want your politicians to do something about it, you have to participate in the democratic process!

The A.S. Board approved funding for the buses today; there will be 3 buses in which we can transport 150 people total to the protests in Sacramento. It's important that you act in the next three days - the deadline for the actual signup is Thursday, March 10th, 7PM. To assure attendance of the people who sign up, every student has to make a $10 deposit, which you will get back as soon as you are on the bus.
Thank you for standing up for your own rights, now it is time to sign up at the A.S. Office, SMC Main Campus!

How to get to the A.S. Office (Cayton Center, 2nd floor, #202) Map:

Talk to / email your professors:
A faculty-wide email has been sent out by the Faculty Association to all SMC professors, urging them to support the demonstration and to let students miss their class if they are attending the demonstrations. Official A.S. Office-issued trip attendance confirmations will be available to all bus riders.

Please tell your friends about the trip - first come first serve; we have about 180 people in the email list and there is 150 spots on the bus; 132 free spots remaining as of today evening.
Here is the official itinerary; forward the email to your fellow classmates!

          Official Itinerary           
We, THE STUDENTS, need to let CA State Capitol Politicians hear our concerns about the budget cuts and the ability of our students to get a high quality, low cost education. 

MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2011
3 LARGE CHARTER BUSES LEAVE SMC @ 10:45PM on Sunday, March 13, 2011Come at 10PM.
Paid for by the Associated Students of Santa Monica College
To ensure attendance, every student has to make a $10 deposit at the A.S. Office (2nd floor Cayton Center #202)
THE DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED TO YOU on the bus when we leave.
More info: (310) 434-4250; Advisor- Benny Blaydes
Mandatory Attendance List & Sign Up on the AS Website: www.smc.edu/associated_students

10:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 13, 2011 for roll call & bus assignment.
ALL NIGHT BUS RIDE to Sacramento, CA State Capi.tol
  • You will be sleeping on the bus ride up to Sacramento.
  • We will be riding on 3 large charter buses with equipped restrooms & cushioned seats;
  • snacks & water provided;
  • bring money to purchase meals or bring your own meals (breakfast, lunch, & dinner);
  • one backpack per student: bring personal freshen-up items and a small blanket (back pack can be left on the tour bus while attending the march).

10:45 p.m. On Sunday Night, March 13, 2011
Sorry we cannot wait for anyone, we must leave on time to arrive on time.

Monday Morning, March 14, 2011, at 7:00 a.m.
  • march from Raley Field Park to the CA State Capitol, (about ½ to 1 mile, wear very comfortable shoes)
  • we will march with all the other students from community colleges, universities, & school employee unions

LEAVE SACRAMENTO: Monday Evening, March 14, 2011, at ca. 3:30pm:
We must leave on time to get back to SMC by 11pm; do not miss the bus back to SMC. There will be further instructions given on the buses about when we will leave Sacramento.

Monday Night, March 14, 2011, at 11:00 p.m. in the evening.
You are responsible for your own transportation from SMC to your home.

Please be considerate of the cost to reserve the Charter Buses –
Only sign-up if you are SERIOUS about going. 
This is our chance to make our voices heard!

Up-to-date, Official Information (released today) about the impact of the budget cuts on California's Community Colleges: http://www.ccleague.net/updates/budgetupdate-20110307.html

Thank you for being proactive. We all have to fight for the future of education!

Tobias Deml
Director of Publicity
Associated Students of Santa Monica College
Cell: (310) 350 5384Work: (310) 434-4965Office Hours: Monday, 11AM-3PM.

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